• Bags, backpacks, purses, totes, and camera bags are not allowed. Small clutches and wallets smaller than 12” x 6” x 12” are permitted and are subject to security inspection. Medical and parental bags smaller than 14” x 14” x 6” are required to go through an X-Ray machine security screening.

    Furthermore, no coolers, wrapped gifts, briefcases, laptops, iPads, tablets, selfie sticks or noise makers will be permitted.

  • Please visit www.TheSullivanArena.com/events or the Sullivan Arena Box Office to purchase tickets. The Sullivan Arena cannot be responsible for the authenticity of tickets obtained through any other source and will not honor counterfeit and other invalid tickets.

  • Non-professional, non-flash, still photography is permitted at most events (disposable, digital, or 35mm cameras with no interchangeable or telephoto lens). Video and audio recording is prohibited. Please note that some shows will have a different camera policy. Please see the specific event page for further information. Camera bags of any size are not permitted as we do not allow bags inside The Sullivan Arena.

  • No outside food and beverages are not permitted inside the arena.

  • There is a no re-entry policy for ticketed events.

  • The Sullivan Arena is a smoke-free venue. Smoking is not permitted in the arena at any time.

  • Only trained service animals or service animals in training will be allowed into the The Sullivan Arena. All other animals, including pets and comfort animals, are prohibited. Guests with service dogs may not take up additional seats unless a ticket has been purchased for the adjacent seat for the service dog.

  • Guests with disabilities and their companions (max: 3 guests) may purchase wheelchair space locations that are dispersed throughout the facility in numerous price ranges. These tickets are available at the time of event onsale.

    Wheelchair escorts may be available upon request at all entry points, based on availability. Personal assistance into or out of a wheelchair or seat cannot be provided. In order to assist multiple guests, please be aware that our staff will not remain with you during the event. The Sullivan Arena cannot provide wheelchair transportation outside of the arena.

  • No Weapons of any kind, including but not limited to: Firearms, explosives, stun guns, handcuffs, brass knuckles, batons, fireworks, knives, chains, pepper spray, laser pointers

  • All public restrooms have accessible stalls for our guests. In addition, a private restroom is available. These restrooms are provided to accommodate guests with disabilities and their companion. These restrooms also serve families with small children who need assistance.

  • The Sullivan Arena offers a wide variety of accessible seating, located in various sections throughout the arena, with options to accommodate limited mobility, visual and hearing impaired, and wheelchair accessible areas. Patrons requiring assistance should contact The Sullivan Arena in advance of their visit with questions or concerns.

  • The Sullivan Arena is committed to accommodating the needs of our guests so everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the exciting entertainment!

    If you need assistance while attending an event, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email with any questions.

Ice Schedules